Legal framework for the information on this website
Please read these terms & conditions (“Terms”) before proceeding as they explain the legal framework for the information on this website. By accessing this website you are deemed to have read and accepted these Terms and it is your responsibility to be aware of, and to observe, the applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. Invis Energy reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time.
In the Republic of Ireland, Invis Energy is the business trading name for the joint venture formed between (1) Hg Capital Renewable Power Partners 2 (a group of UK limited partnerships managed by Hg Pooled Management Limited a company registered in the United Kingdom with registration number 02055886 and having its registered office at 2 More London Riverside) and (2) Craydel, an unlimited company incorporated in the Republic of Ireland with company number 171933 and having its registered office at Gorthleahy, Macroom, Co. Cork for the development, construction and operation of a large-scale portfolio of onshore wind farm projects in Ireland. Invis Energy’s business trading name is registered with the Irish Companies Office under registration number 490868 and has its principal place of business at Lissarda Industrial Park, Lissarda, Co. Cork.
The trademarks, service marks and logos shown in this website are registered and unregistered trademarks of Invis Energy and others. Nothing in these terms and conditions, or this website, should be construed as granting any licence or right to use any of these trademarks displayed.
Downloading or other copying from this site does not transfer to you title to any material or software. Should you download or copy material from this site no copyright or other proprietary notices should be removed. Invis Energy reserves all rights with respects to copyright and trademark ownership of all material on this site and will enforce such rights to the full extent permitted by law.
Access in Non Republic of Ireland Jurisdictions
Invis Energy does not represent that any materials on this site are appropriate for use, or permitted by local laws, in all jurisdictions. Those accessing the site do so of their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws and regulations. In particular, the site is not directed at any person resident in any jurisdiction where, under local law or regulation, the publication or availability of this site is prohibited. Persons to whom such restrictions apply must not access this site.
No Advice, Representation or Warranty
The information on this site is published in good faith and for information purposes only. No guarantee, representation or warranty, express or implied, relating to any of the content of the materials on this website is made by Invis Energy or by any contributing third party, as to its accuracy or completeness and it should not be relied on as such. Invis Energy does not accept any liability for error or omission or for any loss or damage caused, arising directly or indirectly, in connection with the reliance or use of such information.
External Sites
This site contains certain links that may give you access to external websites over which Invis Energy does not exercise any technical control or any control with respect to the content of those websites. Invis Energy has not examined any of these websites and does not assume responsibility for their contents or for the goods, services and products that they offer. These links are for your convenience and you access these at your own risk.
Governing Law
These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland.